Тест с ответами на тему: “Вопросительные местоимения в английском языке”

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1. ______ was written in this message?
а) Who
б) Whom
в) Which
г) What+

2. I knew a boy ______ was from Italy.
а) what
б) whose
в) whom
г) who

3. Какой автобус идет в центр?
a) Whose bus goes to the centre?
б) Which bus goes to the centre?+
в) Whom bus goes to the centre?

4. They came to cheer me up ______ was very nice of them.
а) who
б) which+
в) whose
г) whom

5. There is the boy ______ we met last Friday evening.
а) where
б) what
в) when
г) whom+

6. The CDs ______ are on the sofa should be returned to Bill.
а) who
б) which+
в) whose
г) whom

7. Кто был на вечеринке на прошлой неделе?
a) What was at the party last week?
б) Who was at the party last week?+
в) Why was at the party last week?

8. Где она живет на самом деле?
a) Where does she really live?+
б) When does she really live?
в) Why does she really live?

9. The house ___ they live needs repairing.
а) where+
б) which
в) what

10. The man, ___ name I have forgotten, came to see you yesterday again.
а) whose+
б) what
в) which

11. _________ juice do you drink every day?
а) How many
б) How much+

12. Какой твой любимый цвет?
a) Whats is your favorite color?
б) What is your favorite color?+
в) Whose is your favorite color?

13. This is the best picture ______ I have ever seen.
а) who
б) what
в) that+
г) whom

14. The boy ______ is standing next to the shop assistant is my friend.
а) who+
б) which
в) whose
г) whom

15. ______ appointed her to be our leader is unknown.
а) Who+
б) Which
в) That
г) Whom

16. Nobody knows ___ she is up to these days.
а) that
б) where
в) what+

17. Какая планета больше, Юпитер или Сатурн?
a) How planet is larger, Jupiter or Saturn?
б) Which planet is larger, Jupiter or Saturn?+
в) Whom planet is larger, Jupiter or Saturn?

18. _________ books did you read last summer?
а) How many+
б) How much

19. _________ milk is there in the fridge?
а) How many
б) How much+

20. Кто в твоей семье поливает цветы?
a) What waters the flowers in your family?
б) Which waters the flowers in your family?
в) Who waters the flowers in your family?+

21. ______ taken my toothbrush again?
а) Who
б) Who’s+
в) Whose
г) Whom

22. This is the man ______ wallet we have found.
а) who
б) which
в) whose+
г) whom

23. I spoke to the woman ___ owns the bookshop.
а) who+
б) whose
в) why

24. Кто позвонил тебе вчера?
a) Who phoned you yesterday?+
б) What phoned you yesterday?
в) Whom phoned you yesterday?

25. Что ты можешь сказать об этом подарке для мамы?
a) Which can you say about this present for mum?
б) Where can you say about this present for mum?
в) What can you say about this present for mum?+

26. They know better ___ is good for them.
а) whose
б) what+
в) where

27. _________ water is there in the cup?
а) How many
б) How much+

28. _________ trees can you see?
а) How many+
б) How much

29. The computer ___ I want to buy costs $1,000.
а) that+
б) where
в) who

30. I don’t know ___ he is angry.
а) who
б) what
в) why+


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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: